Flip-Book and other poems
Translated from the French by Barbara Beck
Preface by Nadja Cohen
Barque Press, Londres
À paraître en 2024
Bringing together three consecutive collections, this book imports the image — photographic, cinematographic — into the poem. Or does it try the opposite rather, asking poems to show stories, characters and bodies straight out of the history of cinema and our digital every-day lives ? Can the text be a screen or a frame, tracing new forms of narratives out of a visual experience so acute that it will profoundly affect the way we write ? And when the visible and the readable coalesce, what happens to our gaze ? These are some of the issues that this volume addresses in poems.
Barbara Beck is an American poet and translator living in Paris. Her poems have been published in journals and anthologies, with recent work in women : poetry : migration (Theenk Books, New York, 2017). Since 2002, she has been editor of Upstairs at Duroc, the Paris-based English-language journal.
Chercheuse à l’université KU Leuven, Nadja Cohen travaille sur les rapports entre littérature et cinéma. Elle est l’auteur de Les Poètes modernes et le cinéma (1910 – 1930), paru en 2013 aux Classiques Garnier, et de Fondane et le cinéma, publié en 2016 chez Jean-Michel Place. Elle a également dirigé plusieurs volumes collectifs, notamment Poésie et médias XX-XXIe siècles (Nouveau monde, 2012), ‘Un je-ne-sais-quoi de poétique’ (Fabula LHT n°18, 2017) et ‘Écrire après le cinéma’ (Études françaises, 55:2, 2019). Elle collabore régulièrement avec la Cinematek de Bruxelles.